Telehealth and Online Therapy
Evergreen Counseling SA, PLLC now offers telehealth for clients throughout Texas. Contact the office to see if telehealth may be a good fit for you!
Statement on COVID-19 and Telehealth
Evergreen Counseling SA, PLLC takes the well-being of our community seriously. For this reason, we are now providing telehealth sessions for clients. See About Us for information about specific clinicians.
Stay well! Contact our office to schedule or if you have any questions.
Who might benefit from telehealth?
Those who cannot easily get to the office due to health concerns or life situations.
People that live in rural areas without access to mental health care.
Those that prefer to be in their own homes for a therapy session.
Telehealth requirements:
Strong internet connection
Device capable of video and audio
A private space free of distraction in order to protect confidentiality.